"Should I Stay or Should I Go?" Kristi Edwards looks into the counter offer on legalweeklaw.com

September 2012

legalweeklaw.com October 2010:


“Should I stay or should I go? The Clash address this age-old question in their 1982 song, allegedly inspired by Mick Jones contemplating on whether or not to leave his ex-girlfriend. 

Similar levels of deliberation can go into a decision about leaving a job and indeed, leaving a job is sometimes broadly analogous to leaving a relationship - really, it is.

If you are a valuable commodity to your current firm and this is especially the case in bull markets and boom times when simply staffing a deal can be an issue, they will not want to lose you.

It pays to be prepared for a counter-offer and most good recruiters will, in their initial meetings with you, ask you to consider what you will do in the event of receiving one.”


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