Job List
Real Estate Finance Lawyer, Partner, to £550,000, International Firm
Leading REF practice – strategic need – the team rarely recruits – all equity partnership – excellent global platform, real estate team and corporate practice for sponsor side work
Private Equity, Lawyer, Partner, Head of the London team to £1.5 million
Build it and they will come? (And some interesting statistics on PE moves in London in 2024)
Planning lawyer, junior partner up to £350,000
London – UK-headquartered global firm seeks junior planning partner for succession/replacement role
Tax Lawyer, Immediate Partner c.£300,000
London – US-headquartered global law firm seeks tax all-rounder
Property Litigation lawyer, immediate Partner c. £250,000
Real estate department at global firm offers immediate partnership to blocked real estate disputes lawyer.
Real Estate Finance Lawyer, Partner to £1.5 million
London: Global Law Firm
Corporate Crime Lawyer, Partner to £1 million
Global law firm. Corporate crime, first time London appointment
Data Centre Lawyer, Partner to £1 million
Leadership role in global firm for data centre savant with real estate background
Construction Lawyer, possible immediate Partner, to £800,000
Succession issue global law firm, non-contentious construction. Seeking an established lateral or, possibly, day-one partner.
Asset Finance Partner – US Firm to £1.5 million
Global US firm – building a global asset finance and infrastructure finance team – almost 150 lawyers in London and access to a huge global network
Real Estate Finance Lawyer, Partner to £800,000
Succession issue for real estate finance lateral with mixed lender and borrower credentials
Anti-Trust Disputes Lawyer, Partner, £2 million plus
Elite Big Law brand seeks competition disputes/investigations brand champion
Real Estate Finance Lawyer, Partner to £750,000
Top 20 firm seeks borrower-led Real Estate Finance lateral
General Banking, Lawyer, Partner, UK Firm to £1.4 million
Hugely successful firm over the last decade – this is a relatively unique and fluid role acting as the hub in a leading finance practice
Corporate Crime/Investigations Lawyer, Partner to £2 million
US law firm with leading stateside practice
Head of IP, Europe, Partner, US Firm to £1.7m
Global US law firm – leading IP practice in US – European platform – support of a significant litigation team.
General Banking & Corporate Lending Lawyer, Partner, US Firm to £1.5m
Global US law firm – existing finance practice in specific areas of practice – team rebuild
Corporate/ Private Equity Real Estate Lawyer, Partner c.£1,000,000
Coverage gap at global law firm with leading pan-European real estate offering
Commercial Real Estate Lawyer, Partner c.£800,000
Leading real estate team seeks an additional investment or development lateral
Real Estate Lawyer, Partner to £1 million plus
Global law firm with core full service real estate offering seeks lateral
Non-Contentious Construction Lawyer, Partner to £650,000
Global law firm with leading real estate team requires construction lateral
Funds Lawyer, Partner to £3 million plus
Elite US law firm with leading private equity offering requires alternative funds lateral
Corporate Lawyer – Partner US firm to £1.7 million
US firm strategically growing the London office – full support of senior management who are personally invested in the recruitment – a synergistic business case
Real Estate, Partner, Lawyer, UK Firm to £900,000 plus favourable bonus structure as equity partner
Well hedged international UK headquartered firm – well regarded and possibly underrated Real Estate practice.
Pensions lawyer, Partner c. £250,000
London, Immediate junior partnership at international law firm, leading employment team.
Head of IP/Trademark Partner – US Firm – to £950,000 plus
Already set up for a trade mark practice – flexible rates, TM practice in USA, European offices, strong potential for internal referral work.
Private Equity Lawyer, Partner c.£1million plus
London office of Leading US firm requires mid-market private equity partner – flexible charge outs and high compensation.